+34 653 725 077 info@pushan.es

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Navegación de vistas de Evento


Retreat. Detox, Breathwork & Nature

Finca s´Almudaina Mallorca, Mountuiri Mallorca, España

These will be six magical days to cleanse your body and mind and re-ignite vibrant and radiant YOU This week will be about slowing down and honoring all aspects of yoursel: physically, mentally and emotionally You will be nourished with vibrant delicious yet cleansing foods, gentle movement and breathing practices, and balmy late summer sunshine […]

Tantra, Respiración, Sexualidad

amalurra hotel Barrio La Reneja, 35, Artzentales, Vizcaya, España

Respiración tántrica La Sexualidad es nuestra energía fundamental, nuestra base, nuestra raíz. Es la energía creadora de vida, es movimiento. Es la chispa que inicia los procesos vitales y que contiene el potencial de nuestra sensualidad, voluntad, amor , creatividad, expresión, intuición y silencio.  Esta energía fundamental, cruda y salvaje muy a menuda es malentendida, […]

Breath, Hart & Hara

Istituto Osho Miasto Podere San Giorgio, 16, Casole de Elsa, Siena, Italia

With Dwari and Pushan Through the breath, the self-healing powers of the body are reactivated and emotional blockages resolved, negative mental programs lose their power and through a conscious breathing experience, a new life intensity is possible. In these 5 days we will use the breath to open and connect two essential energy centers in […]

Ibiza Tantra Festival

BG Portinatx Beach Club Hotel Portimax, ibiza, IBiza, España

Very often the word “Tantra” conjures up a range of ideas and myths that can make one a little nervous —or even put one off entirely— until you actually try it. So, here’s a little introduction to Tantra, to help create more understanding and ease So, what is Tantra really about? Tantra is a path for […]

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