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Discovering the qualities of the 7th chakras. First Chakra

12/04/2024 @ 10:00/14/04/2024 @ 16:30 CEST

This is the first part of 7th weekends where you will have the opportunity to dive and explore  the hidden energies and polarities of the 7 energetic centers.

In this module we will explore the crown energetic center, where eyes are located and the subtle energies that are held in this segment.

Different exercises, movements and breath work will support us to express and release the energies that are felt as tensions and contractions in this chakra.

After the tension release we will experience a cleaner vision, we will open up to our inner capacities to see the world as it is beyond the dust of the past.

The breath Chanel will be open again and the subtle energies will flow more free through our body bringing back a felt sense of grounding, center and clarity.


12/04/2024 @ 10:00 CEST
14/04/2024 @ 16:30 CEST


Istituto Osho Miasto
Podere San Giorgio, 16
Casole de Elsa, Siena 53031 Italia
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+39 0577 960124
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