Últimos Eventos Pasados
Escuela Respira Corpo Integral (RCI). Segunda promoción . Modulo I
amalurra hotel Barrio La Reneja, 35, ArtzentalesMódulo 1 - Basico RCI está diseñado para sumergirse a lo largo de los tres módulos en un viaje hacia uno mismo, siendo el primero de base; dónde pondremos nuestro objetivo en crear unos buenos cimientos para la autoexploración, el autoconocimiento y el autoacompañamiento. En la inquietud de crear este espacio dentro de ti trabajaremos […]
Tantra Festival Poland
Hotel Castle Janow Podlaski Zamkowa, 1, JanowWE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO EMBARK ON A COMPLETE TANTRIC JOURNEY THAT HAS BEEN METICULOUSLY PLANNED AND THOUGHTFULLY CURATED. Our process is facilitated by a team of carefully selected experts who possess a profound understanding and appreciation of the essence of Tantra. They have conducted workshops around the globe and are committed to providing a […]
Osho Diamond Breath School Modulo III
Dalaman TurkiaODB® Osho Diamond Breath Training is a 3-week experience that you can attend either all together or one module at a time. The Osho Diamond Breath© (ODB) method is a holistic therapy method with a fusion of Western therapy and Eastern Meditation. It shifts the focus of therapy from the mind to meditation and opens […]